CHC50121 – Diploma of Early Childhood Education and Care – for Domestic Students

Domestic Students

CHC50121 - Diploma of Early Childhood Education and Care


Early childhood educators work in long daycare centres, family daycare, pre-schools or kindergartens.
To achieve this qualification, the individual must have completed a total of at least 280 hours of work in a regulated children’s education and care service in Australia as detailed in the Assessment Requirements of units of competency. The total number of hours may be applied collectively across all units of competency that include the requirement for workplace hours.
No occupational licensing, certification or specific legislative requirements apply to this qualification at the time of publication.

Online training is available for this course.
Qualification Mapping Information

CHC50121 Diploma of Early Childhood Education and Care supersedes and is not equivalent to CHC50113 Diploma of Early Childhood Education and Care.                                                      

CHC50121 Diploma of Early Childhood Education and Care is the most current diploma qualification in child care and children’s services. Take your career in child care to the next level with this accredited diploma qualification, recognised in any state or territory of Australia. Child care is a rewarding career choice, and the CHC50121 Diploma of Early Childhood Education and Care is recognised under the Australian Qualifications Framework (AQF), meaning that your diploma will demonstrate to potential employers that you have achieved a certain level of training and study.                                                                                     

Entry Requirements

Entry to this qualification is open to individuals who:

  • Hold a CHC30121 Certificate III in Early Childhood Education and Care or
  • CHC30113 Certificate III in Early Childhood Education and Care.

Training for this qualification will be delivered over 1363 nominal hours, including 280 hours of practical placement experience. The anticipated course duration is 69 weeks, including 20 hrs/per week of supervised studying and excluding unsupervised learning activities or the time taken for repeated practical application of skills, holidays and term breaks

Delivery Format

This course will be delivered using a blended delivery model with a combination of online learning and practical practice can be undertaken at your current place of work. Educators will be available to provide necessary support on request.

Training Delivery / Instructional Methods

Methods of delivery are designed to develop the theoretical and practical knowledge as outlined in the individual units of competency. To ensure effectiveness, training programs combine a mixture of classroom presentation and student participation.

These will include class group discussions, student participation in skills and practice training, scenarios and projects, use of student learner guides, audio-visual aids and technology as learning tools to further build student performance knowledge.

A variety of presentation types including eLearning resources are available for classroom-style delivery. Such methods are well suited to present fundamental and theoretical knowledge.

To ensure the effectiveness of the training sessions and to encourage student participation class sizes will be up to 25 students. These restrictions will maximise trainer/student interaction on training materials. Trainee feedback and student evaluations will be considered in modifying and improving training.

This Training and Assessment Strategy ensures that students have adequate time to learn the topics, and opportunities for reinforcement, and complete/submit set tasks required for assessment purposes.

Delivery Location

Online lectures and Skills Training and Practice at 189-191 Plenty Road, Preston, VIC 3072.

Student Support

An orientation session will be provided to students prior to commencing their study. ALACC offers student support services as per ALACC student support policy and helps with both academic and non-academic matters as applicable.

Work Placements

Work placements are organised by the College, however, if the individual is the current place of work accepts the student or the student finds a work placement close to their place of residence. However, the College will assess the appropriateness of the work placement.

Work placement Agreements with individual Providers are compulsory before the work placement is accepted by ALACC and the student has provided all the relevant documentation required.

Employment Job Opportunities

Successful completion of this qualification will enable students to gain employment in any of the following field in any children services sectors

Few examples of occupational titles may include:

  • Early Childhood Educator
  • Child Development Worker
  • Early Childhood Team leader
  • Children’s Services Director/Manager
  • Coordinator in Early Childhood and Education Setting
  • In-Home care Educator
  • Playgroup Supervisor
  • Family Day Care Educator
  • Program Leader in Children’s Services
  • Children’s Adviser
Career Pathway

Successful completion of this qualification will enable you to progress to other courses conducted by ALACC as below.


You may be interested to combine other qualifications:
We offer the opportunity to combine the Qualification with another Qualification. By taking advance of common and imported units, you can complete 2 qualifications for less.

  • Diploma of Community Services
  • Advanced Diploma of Community Sector Management
  • Diploma of Quality Auditing
  • Diploma Leadership and Management
  • Advanced Diploma of Leadership Management
Qualification Description

This Diploma qualification is designed to equip participants with the required knowledge and skills to conduct safety practices within their organisation.

View Course Units


Assessments will be conducted to determine the achievement of competency-based learning outcomes. Assessments may include written assignments, projects, written reports, online workshop attendance and simulated workplace assessments.

All assessments will be undertaken in accordance with the ALACC Assessment policy. Students will be advised of the assessment requirements at the beginning of each unit. Individual Unit outlines also contain assessment information. As this is a competency-based qualification, assessment continues throughout until the participant either achieves competency in the assessment tasks or a further training need is identified and addressed.

Refer to the Evidence Gathering Techniques below for required assessment methods.                                                                              Note: Details on planning and conducting the assessment along with Assessor and Student Instructions are outlined in the individual Unit Assessment Resource/ Student Learning and Assessment Record Book.

Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL)

ALACC has a simple & methodical RPL process which is outlined in detail in the RPL policy, Student Prospectus and on the ALACC website, are encouraged to apply if you believe that they may be eligible.

Students may be able to shorten the length of their studies through the recognition of experience and qualifications gained elsewhere.  Applications can be made for Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL). These will be assessed according to the College’s policy to determine if and how much-advanced standing will be granted.

Credit Transfer

ALACC recognises AQF qualifications and Statements of Attainment issued by any other Registered Training Organisation in Australia. Students may request total credit for a whole unit or qualification based on a study in an identical unit or qualification at another institution. Suitable documentation such as a Statement of Attainment/ Transcript of results must be provided when applying for Credit Transfer.  Applications can be made for Credit Transfer (CT) via an online form from the ALACC website or Student Portal.

Course Timetable

Is available on Student Moodle

Other relevant information

Other relevant information is available for students enrolling in the course.

  • Information on ALACC Website:
    • Student Prospectus on the ALACC website
    • Policies and Procedures on the ALACC website
    • Forms on the Student website
    • Library services
    • Student Counselling
  • Information on Student Learning Management – Moodle once fees are paid
    • Orientation will be provided when student comments
    • Course Handbook (course outlines, details about each unit and assessments)
    • Learning resources and assessments
    • Access to Moodle
    • Timetable, Training Plan and other notices for students
  • Work placements
    • The College arranges for placements, however, if a student finds placements close to their residence or currently works in the same field then a Work Place Agreement will be provided to the Provider of the Workplace/Organisation.
    • Application for Placements will need to be made.
    • Relevant documentation to be provided (Work with Children Check, Immunisation, evidence COVID Booster, Placement Book, good class attendance and assessments to complete for units undertaken).
Course Units

Please ask us about credit transfers.

Core Units

Manage team effectiveness
Maintain a safe and healthy environment for children
Foster holistic early childhood learning, development and wellbeing
Nurture creativity in children
Facilitate compliance in a children’s education and care service
Foster positive and respectful interactions and behavior in children
Implement strategies for the inclusion of all children
Analyse information to inform children’s learning
Plan and implement children’s education and care curriculum
Embed environmental responsibility in service operations
Work in partnership with children’s families
Reflect on and improve own professional practice

Elective Units 5

Manage and promote diversity
Meet community information needs
Research and apply evidence to practice

The diploma of Early Childhood Education and Care requires the successful completion of 15 units comprised of five (13) core units and five (2) Elective Units selected from the listing in the packaging specification as specified in the Community Services Training Package.

Enquire about this course

Click here to view Course Fees
Full Fee
Applying For Student Visa
AUD 14,500.00
Fees: AUD 13,800.00
Registration Fee: AUD 500.00
Materials: AUD 200.00

*Indicative Fees Only - Subject To Change

Full Fee
Not Applying For Student Visa – Temporary Visa Holders 
AUD 4,960.00
Fees: AUD 4,260.00
Registration Fee: AUD 500.00
Materials: AUD 200.00

**evidence of current visa required prior to enrolment

*Indicative Fees Only - Subject To Change

Government Funding Eligibility

To assess your eligibility for government funding please speak to one of our friendly staff or use below link:

Check your eligibility

*Eligible students must: –

  • Present a Green Medicare card
  • Be a Permanent resident in Australia
  • Not have a qualification higher or equal to qualification being applied

For further information please contact our friendly staff

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