CHC43121 – Certificate IV in Disability Support – for International Students

Domestic Students
International Students

CHC43121 - Certificate IV in Disability SupportCRICOS: 112965D


This qualification reflects the role of individuals in a range of community settings and peoples’ homes, who provide support in a manner that empowers people with disabilities to achieve greater levels of independence, self-reliance, community participation and wellbeing. Workers promote a person-centred approach, work according to and may contribute to an individualised plan, and work without direct supervision. They may be required to supervise and/or coordinate a small team.

This qualification will equip you with a range of factual, technical and procedural knowledge, as well as the theoretical knowledge of the concepts and practices required to provide person-centred support for people with disabilities in a range of community settings and peoples’ homes. The knowledge may include person-centred behaviour support, community participation, social inclusion, ongoing skills development using a person-centred approach, legal and ethical compliance, person-centred services, work health and safety, and disability support.

Online training is available for this course.

This qualification is delivered over 700 hours, including 130 hours of practical placement. Participants enrolled in this course will have up to 35 weeks (including 20 hrs/per week of supervised studying and excluding unsupervised learning activities or the time taken for repeated practical application of skills, holidays and term breaks) to complete the course requirements.

The course duration may vary for individual students based on their current academic and work experience. All students will be assessed on an individual basis for their ability to meet the course requirements within an extended or reduced timeframe. Students undertake a practical placement of 130 hours.

Delivery Format

This qualification will be delivered using a combination of theoretical delivery and other student participation methods. This will include classroom sessions, directed self-study, skills training, self-paced learning, assessment assistance and supervised practical placement experience in a community and/or residential setting to build on participant’s knowledge and skills on-the-job.


The theoretical online sessions in the individual units of competency may include participation in skills training and practice training, scenarios and projects, reports, student learner guides, audio-visual aids, and technology as learning tools to build student performance knowledge further. The Training and Assessment ensure that students have adequate time to learn the topics and opportunities for reinforcement and complete and submit challenging tasks required for assessment purposes.


A variety of presentation types may include eLearning resources and classroom-style delivery for those students requiring assistance. Such methods are well suited to present fundamental and theoretical knowledge.


The effectiveness of the training sessions involving student participation is encouraged, including class sizes from 5 to 25 students. These restrictions will maximise trainer/student interaction during training.


189 Plenty Road, Preston, VIC 3072. Practical placement projects locations as negotiated by ALACC with individual Providers.

Who May Attend

Entry to this qualification is open to individuals who may:

  • Be actively seeking employment in a community and/or residential setting.
  • Wish to review/update knowledge and practical experience
  • Be seeking a leadership role to supervise and/or coordinate a small team in a range of community settings and peoples’ home
  • Must complete:CHC33021 Certificate III in Individual Support (Disability)ORCHC33015 Certificate III in Individual Support (Disability)OR 

    CHC30408 Certificate III in Disability PLUS the CHCSS00125 Entry to Certificate IV in Disability Support Skill Set.


CHC33021 Certificate III in Individual Support (Disability)


CHC33015 Certificate III in Individual Support (Disability)


CHC30408 Certificate III in Disability PLUS the CHCSS00125 Entry to Certificate IV in Disability Support Skill Set.

ALACC policy requires:

  • The Learner must be 18 years or over
  • Have satisfactorily completed Year11 or equivalent.
  • Demonstrate proficiency in English literacy and numeracy skill that meets industry requirements as a part of Certificate III in Dental Assisting Course. Refer to ALACC policy on English Language Proficiency.
  • A Pre-training Review is conducted with the Learner to identify Language, Literacy and Numeracy levels, any disability that may affect your learning and to ascertain support that may be required during your study period.
Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL)

ALACC has a simple & methodical RPL process which is outlined in detail in the RPL policy, Student Prospectus and on ALACC website, are encouraged to apply if you believe that they may be eligible.


Students may be able to shorten the length of their studies through the recognition of experience and qualifications gained elsewhere.  Applications can be made for Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL). These will be assessed according to the College’s policy to determine if and how much advanced standing will be granted.


Assessments will be conducted to determine the student learning outcomes and to finalise the achievement of the competency-based learning outcomes. Assessments may include student questions, case study/scenarios, projects, practical skills observation and on the job role environment / practical placement environment tasks.

All assessments will be undertaken in accordance with the ALACC Assessment policy. Students will be advised of the assessment requirements at the beginning of each unit. Individual Unit outlines also contain assessment information. As this is a competency-based qualification, assessment continues throughout until the participant either achieves competency in the assessment tasks or a further training need is identified and addressed.

Career Pathway

Successful completion of this qualification will enable you to progress to CHC43015 Certificate IV in Ageing Support or Diploma of Community Services or HLT54121 Diploma of Nursing.

Qualification Description

This qualification reflects the role of individuals in a range of community settings and peoples’ homes, who provide support in a manner that empowers people with disabilities to achieve greater levels of independence, self-reliance, community participation and wellbeing. Workers promote a person-centred approach, work according to and may contribute to an individualised plan, and work without direct supervision. They may be required to supervise and/or coordinate a small team.


The skills in this qualification must be applied in accordance with Commonwealth and State/Territory legislation, Australian standards and industry codes of practice.


No licensing, legislative, regulatory or certification requirements apply to this qualification at the time of publication.

Licensing/Regulatory Information

No licensing, legislative, regulatory or certification requirements apply to this qualification at the time of publication.

View Course Units

Job Opportunities

On completion of this qualification, students may be able to gain employment within a range of settings including residential services, where people live and are supported in houses in the community; larger residential facilities, including secure settings; and outreach services that support people to live in their own homes.

Occupational titles may include but are not limited to:

Disability Support Workers, Disability Development Support Officers

Work placements

Students will be required to undertake work placements to apply knowledge and develop their skills as part of the course requirements. Placements may occur in aged care, disability, or other aged care and community settings in Melbourne or Regional areas as organised by ALACC and according to the course requirements.

While ALACC takes responsibility to provide work placements, students have the choice to find a work placement close to their place of residence. All placement arrangements have to be approved prior to commencing placement. ALACC will negotiate and have an Agreement with the Placement Provider before the student attends work placement.

Please note: The cost for the practical placement is included in the fee. However, if a student does not attend the allocated placement then the student will have to pay for the costs set by the practical placement providers for cancelling their placements.

Placements dates will be provided by the placement provider and can be subject to change depending on the appropriate Placement Provider’s ability to take students at a specific given period. Students may need to be flexible with these dates and ensure they can attend the placements as soon as it is available.

Students will be required to attend pre-placement and post-placement sessions for assessment.

Course Units

Please ask us about credit transfers.

Core Units

Follow established person-centred behaviour supports
Facilitate community participation and social inclusion
Facilitate ongoing skills development using a person-centred approach
Provide person-centred services to people with disability with complex needs
Manage legal and ethical compliance
Work with people with mental health issues
Maintain work health and safety

Elective Units

Contribute to ongoing skills development using a strengths-based approach
Develop and use strategies for communication with augmentative and alternative communication systems
Develop and provide person-centred service responses

This qualification requires successful completion of 10 units comprised of seven (7) core units and three (3) Elective Units as specified in the CHC Community Services and HLT Health Training Packages

Enquire about this course

Click here to view Course Fees
International Fee
Applying for student visa
AUD 8,500.00
Fees: AUD 7,800.00
Registration Fee: AUD 500.00
Materials: AUD 200.00

*Indicative Fees Only - Subject To Change

International Fee
Not applying for student visa
AUD 2,700.00
Fees: AUD 2,000.00
Registration Fee: AUD 500.00
Materials: AUD 200.00

Visa 500 holders will be charged an additional $500

*Indicative Fees Only - Subject To Change

Please note that any Overseas student in Australia on student visa is only allowed to study with CRICOS registered provider, such as our college.  If you are already studying another course, please contact our friendly staff to understand your options.

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