BSB41419 – Certificate IV in Work Health and Safety – for Domestic Students

Domestic Students

BSB41419 - Certificate IV in Work Health and Safety


This qualification applies to individuals working in a work health and safety (WHS) role who provide a broad range of technical knowledge and skills, and have some limited responsibility for the output of others.

The qualification applies to those working as supervisors, WHS personnel, and workers in other WHS-related roles who manage risks effectively, apply relevant WHS laws, and contribute to WHS within the workplace in known or changing contexts with established parameters.

Online training is available for this course.

This qualification applies to individuals working in a work health and safety (WHS) role who provide a broad range of technical knowledge and skills, and have some limited responsibility for the output of others.

The qualification applies to those working as supervisors, WHS personnel, and workers in other WHS-related roles who manage risks effectively, apply relevant WHS laws, and contribute to WHS within the workplace in known or changing contexts with established parameters.

Licensing/Regulatory Information

No licensing, legislative or certification requirements apply to this qualification at the time of publication.

Qualification Mapping Information

Supersedes and is equivalent to BSB41415 – Certificate IV in Work Health and Safety.

Entry Requirements

There are no specific pre-requisite requirements for entry to this qualification as per the Training Package.

ALACC entry requirements require that applicants must:

· Be at least 18 years’ old

· Have satisfactorily completed Year 11 or equivalent

Although LLN test is not an entry requirement, the following may be considered by the students when commencing the course:

· Foundation skills and computer literacy skills may be required for learning activities related to the course. Where relevant, adequate student support is available.


This qualification is delivered over a period of 460 hours. Participants enrolled in this course will have up to 6 months to complete the course requirements while studying for 20 hours per week.

Delivery Format

This qualification will be delivered using a combination of classroom-based delivery and other student participation methods. This will include online/face to face Training sessions with a choice of mixed Moodle based online delivery and video conferencing/ workshops, face to face delivery of PowerPoint presentations, assessment assistance and workshop discussions.


189 Plenty Road, Preston, VIC 3072. Practical placement projects locations as negotiated by ALACC with individual Providers.

Career Pathway

Successful completion of this qualification will enable you to progress to BSB51319 Diploma of Work Health and Safety or to gain employment in any work health and safety contexts.

Who May Attend

This qualification is available to anyone who is currently employed in the following roles: OHS/WHS officer; Health and safety representative; Health and safety committee member; Health and safety assistant, members of OHS committees


Assessments will be conducted to determine the student learning outcomes and to finalise the achievement of the competency-based learning outcomes. Assessments may include written questions, case study/scenarios, projects, reports, portfolios, presentations, demonstrations/ observations.

All assessments will be undertaken in accordance with the ALACC Assessment policy. Students will be advised of the assessment requirements at the beginning of each unit. Individual Unit outlines also contain assessment information. As this is a competency-based qualification, assessment continues throughout until the participant either achieves competency in the assessment tasks or a further training need is identified and addressed.

Note: Refer to the Evidence Gathering Techniques for required assessment methods. Details on planning and conducting the assessment along with Assessor and Student Instructions are outline in the individual Unit Assessment Resource/ Student Learning and Assessment Record Book.

Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL)

ALACC has a simple & methodical RPL process which is outlined in detail in the RPL policy, Student Prospectus and on ALACC website, are encouraged to apply if you believe that they may be eligible.

Students may be able to shorten the length of their studies through the recognition of experience and qualifications gained elsewhere. Applications can be made for Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL). These will be assessed according to the College’s policy to determine if and how much-advanced standing will be granted.

Credit Transfer

ALACC recognises AQF qualifications and Statements of Attainment issued by any other Registered Training Organisation in Australia. Students may request total credit for a whole unit or qualification based on study in an identical unit or qualification at another institution. Suitable documentation such as a Statement of Attainment/ Transcript of results must be provided when applying for Credit Transfer. Applications can be made for Credit Transfer (CT) via online form from ALACC website or Student Portal.


The detailed explanation of Credit Transfer or Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) could be found in Course Credits Transfer (CT) and Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) | ALACC Health College Australia.

Course Timetable

Latest updated version is available on Student Moodle.

Qualification Structure

Certificate IV in Work Health and Safety requires successful completion of 10 units comprised of five (5) core units plus five (5) elective units.

Course Units

Please ask us about credit transfers.

Core Units

Assist with workplace compliance with WHS laws
Contribute to implementation and maintenance of WHS consultation and participation processes
Contribute to WHS risk management
Contribute to implementing WHS management systems
Contribute to workplace incident response

Elective Units 5

Assist with managing WHS implications of return to work
Assist with managing WHS compliance of contractors
Contribute to implementing WHS monitoring processes
Promote innovation in team environments
Implement continuous improvement

Certificate IV in Work Health and Safety requires successful completion of 10 units comprised of five (5) core units plus five (5) elective units.

Enquire about this course

Click here to view Course Fees
Full Fee
AUD 2,335.00
Fees: AUD 1,635.00
Registration Fee: AUD 500.00
Uniform: AUD 200.00
Government Funding Subsidised Fee (Non-Concession)
AUD 1,000.00
Fees: AUD 300.00
Registration Fee: AUD 500.00
Materials: AUD 200.00
Government Funding Subsidised Fee (Concession)
AUD 130.00
Fees: AUD 60.00
Registration Fee: AUD 50.00
Materials: AUD 20.00
Government Funding Eligibility

To assess your eligibility for government funding please speak to one of our friendly staff or use below link:

Check your eligibility

*Eligible students must: –

  • Present a Green Medicare card
  • Be a Permanent resident in Australia
  • Not have a qualification higher or equal to qualification being applied

For further information please contact our friendly staff

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